Potato Farming


Potato Farming: A Commercial Business Plan For Farmers

Potato farming is very common and popular throughout the world. Potatoes are actually the most common and are relatively inexpensive to purchase from any market.

Potato is the most important food crop of the world. It is an economical crop and referred as Poor man’s friend.

Origin of the potatoes is in South America. Potatoes are actually used in many ways. But it is mainly used as vegetable and also used for making chips and other food items.

It is also used for several industrial purposes for production of starch.

Today, potatoes are very common throughout the world and is grown in almost all areas around the world.

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Commercial potato farming is very easy and simple. Even the beginners can also start growing potatoes for making profits.

Here in this guide, we are trying to describe more about potato farming techniques, planting, caring, harvesting and many tips and ideas.

Potato Nutritional Benefits

Consuming potatoes have many nutritional benefits. It is a rich source of starch and vitamin. Raw potatoes generally have 2 percent protein, 17 percent carbohydrates, 79 percent water and negligible amount of fat.

Potatoes are actually consumed throughout the world in many different ways. Here we are shortly describing about the top nutritional benefits of consuming potatoes.

  • Potatoes are excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of vitamin C, B6. It is rich in protein, fiber, fat, calories and carbs. It is also a good source of some minerals such as potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin and folate.
  • Potatoes are rich in compounds like flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic acids. And all these compounds act as antioxidants in the body by neutralizing potential harmful molecules (known as free radicals).
  • Potatoes contain resistant starch, which may help in reducing insulin resistance. In turn, this can help improve blood sugar control.
  • Potatoes are good source of fiber, which may improve your digestive health.
  • Potatoes are naturally gluten-free, which makes them an excellent food choice for people with celiac disease or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
  • Potatoes are delicious, versatile and easy to add to your diet. Try boiling, baking or steaming them and consuming them with the skin intact.
  • Studies have shown that potatoes are among the most filling foods. They may increase the levels of fullness hormones, such as cholecystokinin (CCK).

Advantages of Potato Farming Business

Commercial potato farming business has many advantages/benefits. It is a very important cash crop. And you can make good profits from potato cultivation business. Here we are shortly describing about the top advantages of potato farming business.

  • Commercial potato farming is not a new business idea. So, you don’t have to worry much about it. You can start this business for making good profits.
  • Demand and price of potato are good. And the potatoes have year-round demand.
  • Potatoes can be grown in almost every places around the world.
  • Commercial potato cultivation can be a very good business idea for the educated unemployed people.
  • Production costs is moderate, and ROI is good.
  • Potatoes can be processed into different types of food. Which can also be a very good business idea.
  • Marketing potatoes is very easy. You can sell your products directly from the field.

How to Start Potato Farming Business

Potato farming is very easy and simple. You can start this business and make good profits, even if you are a beginner. Potatoes can be grown in different types of fertile soil.

potato farming, potato farming business, commercial potato farming, potato farming business profits, how to start potato farming

You can start commercial potato farming business if you follow this guide carefully. Here we are trying to describe more about planting, caring and harvesting potatoes.

Select a Good Location

First of all, you have to select a very good location for starting potato farming business. The selected land must have to be well-drained and fertile.

The potatoes can be grown on wide range of soil, ranging from sandy loam, silt loam, loam and clay soils.


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