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Modern Farming Tips

Hydroponic Green Fodder

  Hydroponic Green Fodder: How to Grow (Step-by-Step Guide) Growing hydroponic green fodder is gaining popularity day by day. Hydroponic green fodder system has many benefits and through this system you can feed your animals with green fodder without the need of soil. And the fodder is also highly nutritious and healthy for the animals. Hydroponics is actually a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil. Green fodder is very important for raising milch animals and it provides required nutrients and mineral for the animals. Feeding cost is very high in raising animals, especially raising the dairy animals. Generally the feed cost is about 70 to 75 percent of total milk cost, and the green fodder alone contributes 30 to 35 percent of total feed costs. Currently, rapid population growth is the reason of lack of enough grazing land. That’s why there are a great shortage of land for producing green fodder for the livestock animals. And this situation caused th

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